On-Demand Voice Over Training …
Online Networking, Special Events
Gaps in your voice over knowledge? Not any more! 50+ top voice over professionals teach what you need now – whether you are a newcomer or advanced pro. A simple Internet connection brings you access to 26+ hours of acclaimed recorded training to learn on demand, at your pace and schedule. No travel or lodging expense as you learn at home! Now thru November 30, 2013
Online Networking, Special Events
Gaps in your voice over knowledge? Not any more! 50+ top voice over professionals teach what you need now – whether you are a newcomer or advanced pro. A simple Internet connection brings you access to 26+ hours of acclaimed recorded training to learn on demand, at your pace and schedule. No travel or lodging expense as you learn at home! Now thru November 30, 2013
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50+ Top Trainers!
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