VOICE ACTING – Demos – Choosing the Right Copy for You
Choosing and arranging scripts/copy is perhaps the most essential aspect of completing a voice over demo. Regardless of the genre, the copy allows you—and the listener—to discover your abilities. Correct choices create a clear vision of marketability. Incorrect choices force you into an ongoing world of confusion and jeopardize your marketability.
This presentation takes you through my step-by-step system to find, choose, and arrange the correct scripts/copy for your voice over demo. My system also solidifies the adjectives that are most readily associated with your voice brand and interpretive skills. I’ll help you discover:
* How emotional range determines your voice brand and ability to be cast in voice over work;
* Where to find original copy for your demo;
* Why the copy you choose for your demo shows your understanding of the voice over business;
* How to decide which copy/scripts to use.
Career training level: all
About Xavier Paul:
Xavier Paul has 25 years of experience in the voice over industry, as a voice over artist, radio commercial producer, voice casting director and ad agency copywriter. In these roles, he’s directed and seen scores of voice over talent for commercials, corporate video and a wide array of non-broadcast projects for multimedia.
Xavier’s full-service voice over coaching and production company chooses current, well written, dynamic and marketable scripts/copy for voice over demos that showcase talent at their best. Since he’s worked as copywriter, he will write specific copy for his clients if necessary.
His most recent credits as a voice over artist include: the promo voice of HBO, CNN, The Weather Channel, MTV, Nickelodeon, NBA’s Red Bull Midnight Run, several characters in the video games Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and commercials for Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs Cereal, Colt 45 Malt Liquor, and Foot Locker, as well as a host of national projects. His latest show narration for HBO’s Hopkins/Dawson fight preview is at http://youtu.be/GFn948X7IM8.