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VOICE ACTING – Career: Spanish Voice Over Techniques and Genres (in neutral Spanish)

Comerciales de radio y televisón, documentales, e-Learning, audiolibros, animaciones, IVR, son sólo algunos de los diferentes géneros en los que, como locutores comerciales, trabajamos cada día. Pero cada uno de ellos debe tener un trato muy especial, entre otras cosas, por el medio en el que se difunde este contenido o por las características muy particulares que tiene cada uno en si mismo.

En esta sesión estaremos cubriendo los diferentes géneros dentro de la locución comercial en Español, y cómo trabajar con cada uno de ellos de acuerdo al medio de difusión.

La locución comercial es actuación, es intención, es energía, tiene un propósito y son muchos los géneros involucrados en estos tiempos y la lista sigue aumentando. En la medida en que las telecomunicaciones avanzan, así surgen nuevos formatos y géneros en los que debemos trabajar e innovar.

Este webinar está dirigido a personas interesadas en profundizar sus conocimientos en la locución comercial en Español.

Exploremos juntos las diferentes formas y estilos dentro de este apasionante mundo de la locución comercial.

TV and radio spots, documentaries, eLearning materials, audiobooks, animation, and IVRs are only some of the different kinds of voice over jobs that we, as voice over talents, face every day. Each of these projects must be managed or interpreted differently, not only because of the media where they are to be used, but also because each has characteristics of its own.

As telecommunication evolves, more new types of voice over jobs are created. Everything keeps changing in this world—and so must our approach. In this session, I cover some aspects of the most popular genres of voice over jobs.

Presented in neutral Spanish, this session will help people who voice, or would like to voice, Spanish language voice overs.
Career training level: all

About Reynaldo Infante:
With more than 18 years of experience in the voice over industry, Reynaldo owns the voice recording studio facility and agency named World Voices Studios, where he provides full-time voice over services for local and international clients.

Reynaldo’s voice is used for radio and TV imaging at stations in the Dominican Republic, United States, Argentina, England, Australia, Ecuador, and other countries. His corporate clients include well-known companies and brands such as Honda, Mitsubishi Corporation, Merryll Lynch, IBM, EMC, Major League Baseball, Huyndai, Banco Mundial, Bulova, Microsoft, Dell, Gucci Group, Wyndham Resorts, and Sony. His voice has also been used in videogames, audiobooks, and numerous corporate and training videos for dubbing into Spanish.
Currently, Reynaldo is off-camera and has started a new challenge as director of both radio stations at Multimedios del Caribe: CDN Radio and CDN AM. He also remains in front of the mic as general producer and host for Camino Al Sol, a daily radio show.

Reynaldo holds a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Universidad APEC, and has taken a post-graduate course in public relations at Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo. He obtained his voice over diploma at Prof. Otto Rivera School and has attended many courses related to music production, audio masterclass and acting basics. He also coaches other VO talents in Spanish.